The Game Day Combo Pack™
from $105.00
 Athletic Trainers Top Pick On-Field Baseball Warm-Up Bundle for Arm Care and Safe Batting Warm Ups The Game Day Combo Pack includes 2 Varsity X-Over or V-Band Resistance Bands, 1 Ultimate Batter's Band, and 1 travel bag. It can be used for pre-game & post-game stretches as well as several arm, shoulder, and torso warm-ups. X-Over Bands can be used with several Throwing and Arm Care Programs, while the Ultimate Batter's Band trains a batter's muscle memory to consistently have the same swing through the strike zone. The extra-long, padded handle simulates a bat grip.    Youth Package Includes:1 - 7lb (very light) Varsity V-Band1 - 12lb (light) Varsity V-Band1 - Ultimate Batter's Band (Youth)1 Travel BagHigh School Package Includes:1 - 7lb (very light) Varsity V-Band1 - 18lb (medium) Varsity V-Band1 - Ultimate Batter's Band (High School)1 Travel BagCollegiate/Pro Package Includes:1 - 12lb (light) Varsity V-Band1 - 18lb (medium) Varsity V-Band1 - Ultimate Batter's Band (College/Pro)1 Travel Bag
X-Over Baseball Armcare Systems™
from $160.00
X-Over ArmCare On Field System with Carry Bag and Fence Set Up Straps for Accurate Band Anchoring ARMCARE MATTERS X-OVER RESISTANCE BANDS X-Over Resistance Bands are made in America and great for developing shoulder strength for any type of throwing motion associated with Baseball, Softball, Tennis, Volleyball, Swimming, Golf and other activities requiring shoulder stability. You will be able to perform all internal and external rotator cuff exercises often used to strengthen shoulder and back stability needed to increase arm velocity or to prevent injury often associated with rigorous Fitness Programs. HOW DOES IT WORK? Each X-Over Band can be used as a single band like our FitCord or they can be crossed over to form an X, as in the name. Due to the universal length, these can also be used for an unlimited number of exercises. Fantastic for all fitness programs, physical therapy and injury rehab applications. WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE! Covered Safety Sleeve Tubing for the price of regular naked tubing. Highest quality premium rubber completely covered with a durable and protective soft fabric sleeve made to stand up to the rigorous demands of professional and residential use. Our company owner has been manufacturing Resistance Bands in multiple configurations for fitness and sports training for over 27 years. INDEPENDENT LABORATORY TESTED Our bands were tested by an Independent Laboratory and found to last beyond 150,000 repetitions before breaking. That's 15 X's longer than other competitors tested bands. CHOOSE YOUR PACKAGE: THE SINGLE 1 - 7lb Very Light - Orange 1 - 12lb Light - Green 1 - 18lb Medium - Red 1 - 25lb Heavy - Blue 2 - Band Holding Rings and Clips 2 - Setup Straps 1 - Travel Tote THE DOUBLE 2 - 7lb Very Light - Orange 2 - 12lb Light - Green 2 - 18lb Medium - Red 2 - 25lb Heavy - Blue 4 - Band Holding Rings and Clips 4 - Setup Straps 2 - Travel Totes THE TRIPLE 3 - 7lb Very Light - Orange 3 - 12lb Light - Green 3 - 18lb Medium - Red 3 - 25lb Heavy - Blue 6 - Band Holding Rings and Clips 6 - Setup Straps 3 - Travel Totes THE HOME RUN 4 - 7lb Very Light - Orange 4 - 12lb Light - Green 4 - 18lb Medium - Red 4 - 25lb Heavy - Blue 8 - Band Holding Rings and Clips 8 - Setup Straps 4 - Travel Totes THE GRAND SLAM 6 - 7lb Very Light - Orange 6 - 12lb Light - Green 6 - 18lb Medium - Red 6 - 25lb Heavy - Blue 12 - Band Holding Rings and Clips 12 - Setup Straps 6 - Travel Totes
X-Over Home Arm Care Throwing Systems™
from $119.00 $160.50
 X-Over Home ArmCare Bundle to Assure You Continue ArmCare in the Off Season  ARM CARE MATTERS! The X-OVER HOME ARM CARE THROWING SYSTEM allows the Practitioner to provide multiple resistance levels to accommodate several levels of exercise at home for building throwing muscles indoors plus you can use them on the ballfield as usual. It comes with a  set of Door Anchor Straps for indoor use. A combination of X-OVER Bands can be used for muscle strengthening or rehabilitation. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The X-OVER Systems are able to be used as stand-alone workout systems either at home on the field or in the weight room. The X-OVER Bands can be used with several popular programs. Made with hard plastic handles. CHOOSING YOUR RESISTANCE LEVEL Our systems include a variety of X-OVER Bands that offer different resistances, 3lbs, 7lbs, 12lbs, 18lbs, 25lbs, 40lbs, and 60lbs. The level of resistance depends on each individual’s level of strength. Each System has pre-selected resistance levels which would commonly be used by the strength level of the individual. The Ultimate Door Anchor fits doors between 30" – 36". INCLUDES:  Level 1 Ultra Light (3lbs) X-Over Resistance Band Light (12lb) X-Over Resistance Band Carry Bag 1 Set of Ring & Clip 1 Set of X-Over Door Anchor Straps Level 2 Very Light (7lbs) X-Over Resistance Band Medium (18lb) X-Over Resistance Band Carry Bag 1 Set of Ring & Clip 1 Set of X-Over Door Anchor Straps Level 3 Light (12lbs) X-Over Resistance Band Heavy (25lb) X-Over Resistance Band Carry Bag 1 Set of Ring & Clip 1 Set of X-Over Door Anchor Straps Level 4 Ultra Light (3lbs) X-Over Resistance Band Very Light (7lbs) X-Over Resistance Band Light (12lb) X-Over Resistance Band Carry Bag 1 Set of Ring & Clip 1 Set of X-Over Door Anchor Straps Level 5 Ultra Light (3lbs) X-Over Resistance Band Light (12lb) X-Over Resistance Band Medium (18lbs) X-Over Resistance Band Carry Bag 1 Set of Ring & Clip 1 Set of X-Over Door Anchor Straps Level 6 Very Light (7lbs) X-Over Resistance Band Light (12lb) X-Over Resistance Band Heavy (25lbs) X-Over Resistance Band Carry Bag 1 Set of Ring & Clip 1 Set of X-Over Door Anchor Straps
X-Over™ Team Systems
from $303.00
Arm Care Resistance Band Team Bundles with Rack Anchors for On Field or Gym Use The X-OVER TEAM SYSTEM allows you to work out your entire team all at the same time providing X-OVER BANDS of different resistance levels to accommodate every athlete on your team. A combination of X-OVER Bands can be used for muscle warm-up and activation prior to or after your competition. Available in 3 Team Packages: PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The X-OVER Systems are able to be used as stand-alone workout systems either at home on the field or in the weight room. The X-OVER Bands can be used with multiple programs concentrating on the development of the shoulder, arm, and scapular areas of the upper body. Made with hard plastic handles. CHOOSING YOUR RESISTANCE LEVEL Our Team Systems include a variety of X-OVER Bands that offer different resistances, 3lbs, 7lbs, 12lbs, 18lbs, 25lbs, 40lbs, and 60lbs. The level of resistance depends on each individual’s level of strength. Each Team System has pre-selected resistance levels which would commonly be used by the level of the individual. These levels may vary depending on the participant’s level of strength development. The TEAM YOUTH SYSTEM is recommended for: Youth Athletes Ages 9-14 $270, Free Shipping (Regularly $383.00) 2 Pair of 3 lb X-OVER BANDS 2 Pair of 7 lb X-OVER BANDS 2 Pair of 12 lb X-OVER BANDS 2 Pair of 18 lb X-OVER BANDS 4 Power Rack Anchors 4 Band Holding Ring and Clip Travel Tote The TEAM ATHLETE SYSTEM is recommended for High School Athletes $580, Free Shipping (Regularly $820.00) 4 Pair of 7 lb X-OVER BANDS 4 Pair of 12 lb X-OVER BANDS 4 Pair of 18 lb X-OVER BANDS 4 Pair of 25 lb X-OVER BANDS 16 Power Rack Anchors 8 Band Holding Ring and Clip Travel Tote The TEAM POWER SYSTEM is recommended for: Collegiate, Professional or Competitive Adult Athletes $840, Free Shipping (Regularly $1,216.00) 4 Pair of 7 lb X-OVER BANDS 4 Pair of 12 lb X-OVER BANDS 4 Pair of 18 lb X-OVER BANDS 4 Pair of 25 lb X-OVER BANDS 4 Pair of 40 lb X-OVER BANDS 4 Pair of 60 lb X-OVER BANDS 16 Power Rack Anchors 8 Band Holding Ring and Clip
X-Over™ Arm Care Facility Pack
from $528.00
Arm and Shoulder Resistance Band Facility Pack Bundles for Factory Direct Discounts The X-OVER FACILITY PACK allows you to setup multiple workout stations for group exercise, while providing multiple X-OVER BAND resistance levels to accommodate every athlete in your facility. A combination of X-OVER Bands can be used for muscle development or rehabilitation. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The X-OVER Systems are able to be used as stand-alone workout systems either at home on the field or in the weight room. The X-OVER Bands can be used with multiple programs concentrating on the development of the shoulder, arm and scapular areas of the upper body. Made with hard plastic handles. The FACILTIY Pack Equipment Contents: X-OVER Bands Anchor Straps Band Holding Ring and Clip CHOOSING YOUR RESISTANCE LEVEL Our systems include a variety of X-OVER Bands that offer different resistances, 3lbs, 7lbs, 12lbs, 18lbs, 25lbs, 40lbs, and 60lbs. The level of resistance depends on each individual’s level of strength. Each System has pre-selected resistance levels which would commonly be used by the strength level of the individual. The FACILITY Pack: Setup for 6 Stations 6 Pair of 3 lb X-OVER BANDS 6 Pair of 7 lb X-OVER BANDS 6 Pair of 12lb X-OVER BANDS 6 Pair of 18 lb X-OVER BANDS 6 Pair of 25 lb X-OVER BANDS 6 Pair of 40 lb X-OVER BANDS 6 Pair of 60 lb X-OVER BANDS 24 Power Rack Anchors 12 Band Holding Ring and Clip
Varsity V-Band Armcare Package™
from $162.00
Covered Arm Care V-Band Bundles for On Field Use FEATURES:  Perfect for pre-game & post-game stretches. Designed with Anti-Snap Safety Sleeve Technology™ for superior safety. Rated to last over 150,000 repetitions in independent lab tests. Made in the USA with pro-grade materials. THE VARSITY V-BAND The Varsity Band or V-Band by FitCord. The V- Band Safety Sleeve Technology has been around since the mid 90’s and solves the problem of being hit by a broken rubber tube by keeping the rubber tube encased within the safety sleeve when the rubber tube breaks. These Made in USA bands are the best way to ensure the above story never becomes your story. V-Bands can be used with several Throwing and Arm Care Programs such as Crossover Symmetry, Jaeger Sports and other programs for Baseball, Softball, and even Cross Fit. We don’t write the programs or claim to be experts in Arm Care we just provide safer longer lasting American Made Resistance Bands to you. CHOOSE YOUR PACKAGE: THE SINGLE 1 - 7 lb V-Band (Orange) 1 - 12 lb V-Band (Green) 1 - 18 lb V-Band (Red) 1 - 25 lb V-Band (Blue) 1 Travel Tote THE DOUBLE 2 - 7 lb V-Bands (Orange) 2 - 12 lb V-Bands (Green) 2 - 18 lb V-Bands (Red) 2 - 25 lb V-Bands (Blue) 2 Travel Totes THE TRIPLE 3 - 7 lb V-Bands (Orange) 3 - 12 lb V-Bands (Green) 3 - 18 lb V-Bands (Red) 3 - 25 lb V-Bands (Blue) 3 Travel Totes THE HOME RUN 4 - 7 lb V-Bands (Orange) 4 - 12 lb V-Bands (Green) 4 - 18 lb V-Bands (Red) 4 - 25 lb V-Bands (Blue) 4 Travel Totes THE GRAND SLAM 6 - 7 lb V-Bands (Orange) 6 - 12 lb V-Bands (Green) 6 - 18 lb V-Bands (Red) 6 - 25 lb V-Bands (Blue) 6 Travel Totes  
Varsity V-Band™ Shoulder and Arm Warm Up Band with Cuffs for Pitchers (3lb-55lb)
from $36.00
Safety Covered Arm Care Warm Up and Conditioning Bands with Cuffs Features:  Perfect for pre-game & post-game stretches. Designed with Anti-Snap Safety Sleeve Technology™ for superior safety. Rated to last over 150,000 repetitions in independent lab tests. Made in the USA with pro-grade materials.   DON’T RISK YOUR FUTURE BY LOSING YOUR EYESIGHT WITH A “NAKED” NON SAFETY SLEEVE RESISTANCE BAND. The Story: You have spent your entire life working to succeed in the sport you love to have it all come to a sudden end while you were putting in another day of sweat to see your dream come true. Looking for ways to increase your throwing velocity you come across a program that will do just that. The system comes with a proven program but a risky “Naked” Resistance Band to do the work. You’ve seen improvement and suddenly one day the unexpected happens. The rubber resistance band breaks and comes screaming back at you, no time to react, suddenly you feel a sharp pain in your eye. The unimaginable has happened and your dreams are dashed all in an instant. This is a true story and it has happened more than once. Why risk your future on a resistance band that when exposed to UV rays immediately starts to deteriorate and weakens or is exposed to an environment that might allow the rubber band to be nicked, creating a weak point in the band. Solution: The Varsity Band or V-Band by FitCord. The V- Band Safety Sleeve Technology has been around since the mid 90’s and solves the problem of being hit by a broken rubber tube by keeping the rubber tube encased within the safety sleeve when the rubber tube breaks. These Made in USA bands are the best way to ensure the above story never becomes your story. V-Bands can be used with several Throwing and Arm Care Programs such as Crossover Symmetry, Jaeger Sports and other programs for Baseball, Softball, and even Cross Fit. We don’t write the programs or claim to be experts in Arm Care we just provide safer longer-lasting American Made Resistance Bands to you. The V-Bands come in 7 different resistance levels so multiple exercises can be performed no matter what Arm Care Program you choose. 3lbs - Yellow – Ultra Light 7lbs - Orange – Very Light 12lbs - Green – Light 18lbs - Red – Medium 25lbs - Blue – Heavy 40lbs - Black – Very Heavy 55lbs - Purple – Ultra Heavy
Ultimate Batter's Band™
from $33.00
 Athletic Trainers Top Pick Warm Up and Swing Resistance Band Trainer for Baseball, Softball and Tennis Athletes The Ultimate Batter's Band by Speedster trains a batter's muscle memory to consistently have the same swing through the strike zone. The extra-long, padded handle simulates a bat grip.  Quick Setup: Easily clips to any fence! Can also be used for several arm, shoulder, and torso warm ups. Speedster is the leader in bungee athletic training equipment. Every bungee, including the Ultimate Batter's Band, is covered with Safety Sleeve Technology. Our bungees are rated to last over 150,000 repetitions in independent lab tests and is proudly Made in the USA. Includes: 1 - Ultimate Batter's Band The motion is not intended to be a full swing, but to train a batter's swing motion through the point of contact. (As pictured)
Athletic Hand Towel™ (Tuck in Design)
Tuck In Style Towel for Athletes- No Belt Required Secure inside-the-pant design No velcro to snag pants High absorbent - Quick-drying fabric Pleated back for a larger hand drying surface Designed specifically for Tunnel Style Athletic Pants to stay tucked in better   The SPEEDSTER Hand Towel was designed by a former athlete who understands the need for keeping the hands dry. The cotton fabric allows the hand to be dried quickly and the pleated back opens for a larger surface. Another great feature is most towels on the market have Velcro which is useless if your team's pants do not have an exposed belt to wrap it around. SPEEDSTER a name you can trust.
Power Break Away™ Release Strap (10ft)
Improve Burst & Take-Off Speed for All Sports Release Strap Only. Belt sold separately. 10ft long Power Break Away Release Strap. The Power Break Away allows for longer resistive sprints before being released by your partner. The partner determines the amount of resistance provide and when the athlete will be released. The Power Break Away Tether is designed with a special quick release mechanism so when the partner pulls the ripcord the training athlete is released giving them the sensation of being shot out of a cannon. This Resistance Burst Speed Training (RBST) allows the athlete to increase their Action Transition Speed (ATS). Develops: Faster Break Away Speed Powerful Running Strides Overspeed Launch
Speedster Power Break Away™
from $35.00
 Athletic Trainers Top Pick Burst & Take Off Speed Training System for Athletes  INCLUDES: 1 - 10ft Power Break Away Strap with Handle 1 - Basic Waist Belt, Padded Waist Belt, or Dual Use Harness The Power Break Away allows for longer resistive sprints before being released by your partner. The partner determines the amount of resistance provided and when the athlete will be released. The Power Break Away Tether is designed with a special quick-release mechanism so that when the partner pulls the ripcord the training athlete is released giving them the sensation of being shot out of a cannon. This Resistance Burst Speed Training (RBST) allows the athlete to increase their Action Transition Speed (ATS).Develops:- Faster Break Away Speed- Powerful Running Strides- Overspeed Launch
Speedster Run "Rocket Bungees"™ Cord ONLY- Made in the USA
from $38.00
American-Made Athletic Run Training Bungee Cord- Speed, Overspeed, Jump and Agility Training Resistance Strap for Athletes PERFORM BETTER, RUN FASTER AND INCREASE AGILITY Overspeed & Resistance Training with the Speedster Rocket Bungee, our American Made Athletic Training Cord will help you develop longer strides, faster overall speed, and more power. Go with the training bungee that pro coaches and athletes trust to take them to the next level - the Speedster Rocket Bungee. Belts & Harnesses are sold separately.Speedster Rocket Bungees are made in the USA and feature Safety Sleeve Technology for ultimate injury prevention. Every Rocket Bungee stretches 4x's its original length, good luck finding that kind of stretch in another bungee. Best Speed Training and Speed Workout Resistance Bands on the market today.  Designed to increase the speed and agility of your athletes of all ages and in every sport. This Professional quality resistance bungee cord style band will challenge your athletes during speed, overspeed, jump, and agility training sessions and increase your entire team's performance.   
Speedster Resistance Training System™
from $134.00
Weight Resistance Training System for Runners The Ultimate in Explosive Power. The Torpedo Sled is made from high-density polymer plastic and can be used on several surfaces. The Torpedo Sled is a great resistance training tool to develop first-step explosive power. Using the Torpedo Sled will increase an athlete's shorter-distance sprint speed and quickness as well as develop a powerful high-leg drive. DEVELOPS: Explosive Power Quickness Resistance INCLUDES: 1 Sled Deluxe Padded Waist Belt or Harness 4 weight bags When filled with sand weigh approximately 20 pounds each. Harness to Sled Towlines and Attachments
Pro Agility Speed Trainer™
from $91.00
Take your agility training to the next level with this American Made Product The Pro Agility Speed Trainer is designed to enhance your jump, sprint, shuffle, and agility training. Resistance training allows you to develop specific muscle groups that are specific to your position. The included Anchor Belt can either be worn by a partner or used as an anchor with stationary objects for solo training. The Pro Agility Speed Trainer is perfect for fielding exercises in football, baseball, basketball, volleyball, and more! INCLUDES: - Pro Agility Belt Adjust from a 28" waist to a 52" waist Padded so you can train harder and longer Moisture Resistant material resist sweat and body odor - Anchor Belt Designed to be worn or used as an anchor with stationary objects Large ring makes attaching bungee quick and easy - Speedster 8-ft Rocket Bungee Stretches up to 28ft! Covered with Safety Sleeve Technology that prolongs the life of the bungee and protects athletes if the bungee breaks during use Independently lab-tested and rated to last over 150,000 repetitions Available in 3 resistance levels: Youth/High School, Collegiate, Pro - 8 Field Marker Cones & Carry Bag   ADVANTAGES OVER THE SIMILAR PRODUCTS Resistance Band stretches 8ft further Pro Agility Belt is foam-padded with a closed-cell foam, covered in a moisture resistant fabric to keep sweat from absorbing into the padding for a better smelling product. Upgradeable Resistance Band MADE IN THE USA *Dome Cones are Imported
Speedster Power Rack System™
from $275.00
Turn Your Weight Room Into a Full Training Area using ONLY your Power/Squat Racks The Power Rack System quickly attaches to any Power Rack allowing up to 5 athletes to train at the same time per rack. The Power Rack System has been carefully designed to target areas that are essential in training championship-level athletes. Every resistance band features Safety Sleeve Technology for superior protection against broken bands and has been independently tested to last over 150,000 reps. Made in the USA. Rack not included.INCLUDES: 1 - Chest Press (upper-body strength) 2 - Change of Direction (lateral agility) 1 - Sky Leaper (vertical jump) 1 - Power Leg Enforcer (leg strength) Includes Anchor Straps
X-Over Resistance Bands™
from $39.95
Arm and Shoulder Resistance Bands for Strength Training, Rehabilitation, and Athletic Arm Care WHY YOU NEED X-OVER BANDS To Strengthen Your Shoulder and Scapular Muscles Increase Shoulder Stability Develop Powerful Arm Strength Improve Endurance Perform at a Higher Level   Did we mention “PRICE”, PLUS American Made in the USA…   X-OVER RESISTANCE BANDS X-Over Resistance Bands are made in America and great for developing shoulder strength for any type of throwing motion associated with Baseball, Softball, Tennis, Volleyball, Swimming, Golf and other activities requiring shoulder stability. You will be able to perform all internal and external rotator cuff exercises often used to strengthen shoulder and back stability needed to increase arm velocity or to prevent injury often associated with rigorous Fitness Programs.   HOW DOES IT WORK? Each X-Over Band can be used as a single band like our FitCord or they can be crossed over to form an X, as in the name. Due to the universal length, these can also be used for an unlimited number of exercises. Fantastic for all fitness programs, physical therapy and injury rehab applications.   WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE! Covered Safety Sleeve Tubing for the price of regular naked tubing. Highest quality premium rubber completely covered with a durable and protective soft fabric sleeve made to stand up to the rigorous demands of professional and residential use. Our company owner has been manufacturing Resistance Bands in multiple configurations for fitness and sports training for over 27 years.   INDEPENDENT LABORATORY TESTED Our bands were tested by an Independent Laboratory and found to last beyond 150,000 repetitions before breaking. That's 15 X's longer than other competitors tested bands.
X-Over Resistance Bands™ - 2 Pack
from $66.00
Arm and Shoulder Band 2 Pack Bundles for Factory Direct Discounts FEATURES Covered with Safety Sleeve Technology™ No more getting slapped by broken bands Latex Allergy Safe. Never come in direct contact with the rubber. Protects the band from daily abuse Rated to last over 150,000 repetitions in independent lab tests Pro-Grade Carabiners & Plastic Handles Made proudly in the USA PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The X-Over Resistance Bands are made in the USA with unmatched attention to detail & quality. Every band is covered with Safety Sleeve Technology™ and is rated to last over 150,000 repetitions. X-Overs can be used as a stand-alone workout system either at home, on the field, or in the weight room. X-Over Bands can be used with multiple programs. Made with hard plastic handles. INCLUDES: 2 X-Over Resistance Bands with Safety Sleeve Technology™
X-Over Resistance Bands™ - 3 Pack
from $102.00
Arm and Shoulder Band 3 Pack Bundles for Factory Direct Discounts FEATURES Covered with Safety Sleeve Technology™ No more getting slapped by broken bands Latex Allergy Safe. Never come in direct contact with the rubber. Protects the band from daily abuse Rated to last over 150,000 repetitions in independent lab testsPro-Grade Carabiners & Plastic HandlesMade proudly in the USA X-OVER RESISTANCE BANDS X-Over Resistance Bands are made in America and great for developing shoulder strength for any type of throwing motion associated with Baseball, Softball, Tennis, Volleyball, Swimming, Golf, and other activities requiring shoulder stability. You will be able to perform all internal and external rotator cuff exercises often used to strengthen shoulder and back stability needed to increase arm velocity or to prevent injury often associated with rigorous Fitness Programs. HOW DOES IT WORK? Each X-Over Band can be used as a single band like our FitCord or they can be crossed over to form an X, as in the name. Due to the universal length, these can also be used for an unlimited number of exercises. Fantastic for all fitness programs, physical therapy, and injury rehab applications. WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE! Covered Safety Sleeve Tubing for the price of regular naked tubing. Highest quality premium rubber completely covered with a durable and protective soft fabric sleeve made to stand up to the rigorous demands of professional and residential use. Our company owner has been manufacturing Resistance Bands in multiple configurations for fitness and sports training for over 27 years. INDEPENDENT LABORATORY TESTED Our bands were tested by an Independent Laboratory and found to last beyond 150,000 repetitions before breaking. That's 15 X's longer than other competitors tested bands.
X-Over™ Arm and Shoulder Resistance Bands - 4 Pack
from $138.00
Arm and Shoulder Band 4 Pack Bundles for Factory Direct Discounts FEATURES Covered with Safety Sleeve Technology™ No more getting slapped by broken bands Latex Allergy Safe. Never come in direct contact with the rubber. Protects the band from daily abuse Rated to last over 150,000 repetitions in independent lab testsPro-Grade Carabiners & Plastic HandlesMade proudly in the USA X-OVER RESISTANCE BANDS X-Over Resistance Bands are made in America and great for developing shoulder strength for any type of throwing motion associated with Baseball, Softball, Tennis, Volleyball, Swimming, Golf and other activities requiring shoulder stability. You will be able to perform all internal and external rotator cuff exercises often used to strengthen shoulder and back stability needed to increase arm velocity or to prevent injury often associated with rigorous Fitness Programs. HOW DOES IT WORK? Each X-Over Band can be used as a single band like our FitCord or they can be crossed over to form an X, as in the name. Due to the universal length, these can also be used for an unlimited number of exercises. Fantastic for all fitness programs, physical therapy and injury rehab applications. WE HAVE THE LOWEST PRICES ANYWHERE! Covered Safety Sleeve Tubing for the price of regular naked tubing. Highest quality premium rubber completely covered with a durable and protective soft fabric sleeve made to stand up to the rigorous demands of professional and residential use. Our company owner has been manufacturing Resistance Bands in multiple configurations for fitness and sports training for over 27 years. INDEPENDENT LABORATORY TESTED Our bands were tested by an Independent Laboratory and found to last beyond 150,000 repetitions before breaking. That's 15 X's longer than other competitors' tested bands.  
X-Over™ Rack Home Gym Bundle
from $94.00
Arm and Shoulder Resistance Band Rack System with Anchors X-Over Bands are designed specifically for Shoulder and Arm Care. The unique cross-over style of resistance is designed for working the smaller muscles to increase the stability of your Rotator Cuff and the smaller muscles that create stability around your shoulders, scapula, and arms. The support that this particular type of band and exercises provide allows you to function better with any and all activities you do that include your upper body. No matter if you are into Extreme fitness such as Box Gyms, Weight Lifting, or bodybuilding, or you simply want to define your shoulders in your bodybuilding efforts, these bands will expedite the results. If you are experiencing shoulder injury during activities, these bands are your solution as well. By building the smaller supportive muscles, you can push your shoulders hard, lift more weight, do more pulls ups, or whatever your EXTREME exercise is. This set of bands will help you push harder and go further with less risk of a shoulder injury and define your upper body at the same time! Full X-Over Home System. This system allows you to do over 100 Different Exercise Combinations. The Ultimate Home Gym Package also includes 4 Pairs of X-Over bands with a resistance level varying from 7lbs to 55lbs of resistance. This Rack Home Gym is the perfect addition t your at-home workout or rehabilitation. Not only does it give you the ability to increase resistance as you build muscle, but with all the resistance levels and anchor points, more than one person can use the system. While X-Over bands were created Shoulder and Arm resistance, you can use them to do other exercises as well. This system gives you the most for your hard-earned money! Includes: 7lb Very Light X-Over Band Set 12lb Light X-Over Band Set 18lb Medium X-Over Band Set 25lb Heavy X-Over Band Set 4 Power Rack Anchors 2 Ring Clips
X-Over Door Anchor Straps™ (set of 2)
Door Anchor Belts for Clips Style Resistance Bands that WILL NOT Damage Your Door or Slip During Use INCLUDES: 2 - X-Over Door Anchor Straps & 2 Clip & Ring Sets *** Not Compatible with Padded Handle FitCord Resistance Bands**** *** To Be Used with Clips ONLY, Bands will not fit through the rings. FEATURES: Easy Setup - Attach to the door & start working out in minutes! Fits most doors between 28" - 36" Industrial Strength Velcro stays secure and stays tight Made in the USA Length: 90.5" Clip & Ring is used for hanging your X-Over Bands for quick resistance change or for anchoring resistance bands with handles. X-Over Door Anchors are designed to turn your door into the ultimate workout system without a huge footprint or cost Click Here to Download Installation Instructions
Power Rack Anchors™ - Set of 4
Safe American Made Products at Factory Direct Pricing Use Power Rack Anchors to securely anchor resistance bands to any power rack. This set of 4 Heavy Duty Anchors are designed to use with Xover Resistance Bands to workout using your Rack System. The webbing material is strong enough to last years with consistent use, and are easy to move from one part of the rack to another quickly and easily. The D-Ring make clipping X-Over bands fast and easy. 
Arm and Shoulder Band 10 Pack Bundle for Factory Direct Discounts The X-OVER 10 PACK allows multiple players to warm up before a game.  PRODUCT DESCRIPTION The X-OVER Systems are able to be used as stand-alone workout systems either at home on the field or in the weight room. The X-OVER Bands can be used with multiple programs concentrating on the development of the shoulder, arm and scapular areas of the upper body. Made with hard plastic handles. The 10 Pack Equipment Contents: 5- 12lb (LIGHT) X-OVER Bands 5- 18LB (MEDIUM) X-OVER Bands

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