Football Offensive Lineman Resistance Training Harness that focuses on Form, Strength, Speed, and Agility
The Best Offensive Line Harness System ever designed to develop proper body position for those running spread defense.
1. Squat Position
Squat position is developed by two adjustable resistance bands connecting the waist and the heels not allowing the athlete to rise up in his stance.
2. Base Position
Base is developed by a resistance band connecting the ankles developing foot quickness.
3. Jam Technique
Jam technique is developed by 2 resistance bands connecting the waist belt of the harness to wrist cuffs with thumb supports.
4. Upper Body Position
Proper upward body position is developed by attaching a 6' resistance band to either the from or back of the athlete forcing him to not bend at the waist.
Heavy Resistance: Athletes 175-275 lbs
Ultra Heavy Resistance: Athletes 275-375 lbs