Our pull-up Assist Bands are designed to provide assistance to your athletes when doing pull-ups by supporting their weight until they are strong enough to pull themselves up
This is a Limited Time Product.
** The band colors may vary from image**
Our assistance bands are 100% natural latex and are over 99.9% free of soluble proteins (latex allergens). It is more strong and can be used for a longer time than other competitors in the market.
- Light- Yellow Band 5mm thick, 1/2 inch wide, 41 inches long
- Medium- Red Band 5mm thick, 7/8 inch wide. 41 inches long
- Heavy- Blue Band 5mm thick, 1 1/8 inches wide, 41 inches long
- Very Heavy- Black 5mm thick, 1 3/4 inches wide, 41 inches long
- Set of 3 is a bundle of 3 41 inch Bands and includes 1 Light, 1 Medium, and 1 Heavy Band
- Set of 4 is a bundle of 4 41" bands and includes 1 Light, 1 Medium, 1 Heavy, and 1 Very Heavy band